The Murphrey Family History

This Web site has been developed to document the Murphrey family which first came to Virginia in the mid 1600s. Branches of that family later migrated to North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas. Particular emphasis has been placed on descendants of Captain John Murphrey who moved from Virginia to Dobbs County, North Carolina circa 1747. Throughout the site, the spelling "Murphrey" is used in the title pages. In fact, however, there are several variations including Murphrey, Murferry, Murfree, Murfrey, Murphree, Murphy, Murphey, and others which may, at times, represent the same family. Also, I plan to include as much information as possible about the Dixon, Jones, and other families which have had close ties to the Murphreys since the mid 1600s.

Suggestions, comments, criticisms, and MORE INFORMATION will be gratefully accepted to improve this web site. Please e-mail Ernie Murphrey at with any comments.   (Updated May 12, 2017)

Murphrey DNA Tests - Some Results in.

Murphrey DNA Tests - Individuals with the Murphrey last name who are interested in joining a project to connect various lines of Murphreys can join by clicking on: Murphrey DNA Project.

Please contact me at: if you are interested. Four Murphreys have have taken the male 37 marker (Y-DNA) test to date and the results are as follows:

1. A descendant of James Murphrey (1812-1880) of Greene County matched perfectly through the 37 markers tested with a documented descendant of Captain John Murphrey. Along with circumstantial evidence already in hand, the conclusion is that James Murphrey is a descendant of Captain John Murphrey.

2. A descendant of the the Texas Murphreys was compared to the two Murphreys in item 1 above. The test was two markers off from the Captain John line, leading to the conclusion that the Texas Murphreys are related to Captain John's line, but it is possible that you have to go back to the Virginia Murphreys to find a common ancestor. Tests with a larger sample will be needed to determine this conclusively, and determine the time frame.

3. A descendant of the Johnston County Murphreys has been tested and nothing could be determined from the results.

I will continue to publish results and conclusions as more Murphreys are tested. Names are withheld to protect the privacy of the individuals tested.

My line can be found at: Ernest Green Murphrey

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North Carolina


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Related Families Information

Murphrey and Related Families Database

Murphrey and Related Families Researchers

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